Perspectives In Crime results
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Vacancy and Crime
A new study analyzes how foreclosures and vacancies foster violent crime at the neighborhood level and how this effect worsens with prolonged vacancy.
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Assessing Risks for the 2024 Democrat National Convention
Perspectives in Crime: Preparing for a large-scale event in Chicago
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The Crime Perception Gap: The truth behind crime trends and police clearance rates
Perspectives in Crime: Why does public perception differ from official crime data?
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Assessing Risks for the 2024 Republican National Convention
Perspectives in Crime: Preparing for a large-scale event in Milwaukee
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Wildfire Risk in the United States
The United States western states are known for wildfire season, but the risk is growing in other areas and times of year. Our latest Perspectives in Crime.
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The Rhythm of Crime
The study of crime data has revolutionized the understanding of criminal behavior, revealing previously hidden patterns and insights. Perspectives in Crime
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Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
How Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) can help to deter crime and foster safer communities. Our latest Perspectives in Crime blog.
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Reducing Substance Abuse and Crime
How do substance abuse treatment facilities affect crime rates in the surrounding area? Read the latest analysis from Pinkerton’s Perspectives in Crime.
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The Cost of Crime on Job Earnings
Crime victimization’s impact on the labor market: Study shows significant long-term economic effects on victims, particularly women. Perspectives in Crime.
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Recidivism and Job Opportunities
Criminal recidivism rates are affected by employment challenges and job markets faced by recently released former inmates. Pinkerton Perspectives in Crime.
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ATMs and Crime
While bank robberies are declining, crime at ATMs is on the rise. Read more about protecting your organization and clients in our Perspectives in Crime.
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School Shootings and Long-Term Consequences
Students exposed to at-school gun violence suffer lasting effects from these events. Recent studies show effects on testing, health, and employment.
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The Opioid Crisis in America
What effect have triplicate prescription programs and other drug oversight systems had on the ongoing opioid crisis in the United States?
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Crime and Professional Sporting Events
Explore the relationship between crime and professional sporting events, specifically hockey for both regular season and playoff home games.
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Mass Shootings and the Media
Explore the connection between mass shootings, school shootings, and media coverage and the likelihood that comparable events may occur.
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Corruption and Natural Disasters
Pinkerton’s data scientists dig into the entangled relationship between corruption and natural disasters and see which regions are at a heightened risk.
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The Age-Crime Curve
While the age-crime curve is widely accepted, its implications are hotly debated. Why does the age-crime relationship persist across centuries & cultures?
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Crime and Summer Youth Employment Programs
Besides improving the lives of teens, one of the measurable benefits of summer youth employment programs is their impact on crime in the city.
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Crime and Neighborhood Renewal Programs
A recent study found evidence that multi-agency neighborhood renewal programs reduce crime and generate social and economic value in disadvantaged areas.
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Violent Crime and the Impact on Students
Both the short-term and long-term effects of violence on academic performance indicate that crime reaches further into communities than its direct victims.
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CCTV in Criminal Investigations
Explore the data on CCTV usage and availability in criminal investigations. Part of our Perspectives in Crime series.
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Gun Violence's Impact on Business
A recent paper adds to the discussion of secondary and tertiary costs of local crime by focusing on the impacts of gunshots on local business activity.
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The Epidemic of Gun Violence
Harvard and Yale researchers studied what insights and interventions can be found by approaching gun violence through the same lens as a disease epidemic.
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Inflation and Crime
Statistics generate insights of societal and economic factors that contribute to criminal incentives that produce a greater number of criminal offenders.
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Mental Health and Crime
The impact of crime on many dimensions of mental health, such as psychological distress, decreased quality of life, and erosion of trust in authorities.
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Response Time and Crime Clearance
Early studies of police response time produced counterintuitive results. Newer research shows a stronger link between response time and clearance rate.
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Crime Target Selection
Criminology has long sought to understand how motivated offenders choose their targets and what locations seem to attract criminality.
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Violence on the Mind
Violent crime causes collateral damage by spreading fear, trauma and uncertainty across a community. A new study examines the extent of violence’s reach.
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The Seasonality of Crime
Crime seasonality is among the oldest ideas in scientific criminology. Modern study has advanced understanding of the mechanisms and controllable factors.
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Pollution and Aggravative Assaults
New studies join an increasing volume of academic research to show air pollution’s adverse societal and health effects including violent crime.