Chicago, Illinois is set to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) from August 19 through August 22. Convention events are scheduled to take place at the United Center, McCormick Place, and additional venues throughout Chicago including many centrally located museums and parks.

Chicago, a city of 2.665 million people expects some 50,000 visitors for the DNC, a 1.8% population increase. This influx is less dramatic of an increase than the RNC convention was for Milwaukee, a city of 563,000 people. Chicago authorities and other planning entities have emphasized that large events such as Lollapalooza, the Chicago Marathon, NASCAR events, and the Taste of Chicago all demonstrate how the city’s authorities and infrastructure are prepared for the population influx and potential disorder of large-scale events.

Short-term population fluctuations change the factors underlying routine activity theory, the lens through which we understand how and why crime occurs. An influx of visitors concentrated in specific areas can impact the balance of suitable targets and motivated offenders, potentially straining guardianship or creating new vulnerabilities in areas where law enforcement has been shifted away from.

The multi-agency group preparing security for the DNC emphasized that security preparations were reviewed following the July 13 attempt on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s life, and they moved forward with confidence that the year-plus preparations would provide adequate safety for all persons in attendance and the city at large, citing interagency exercise over the last four months. Authorities also emphasized the key partnership of civilian tips regarding suspicious behavior, saying “if you see something, say something.”

Law enforcement has developed detailed procedures for planned and ad hoc demonstrations. They underscored the importance of respecting every person’s 1st Amendment right but also stressed a zero-tolerance policy towards violence, vandalism, and destruction of property. Chicago authorities cited 80 protest events over the last year with no major incidents. The city was still determining specified protest zones.

The Chicago police will receive support from outside agencies, including the Milwaukee police. After a shooting incident in Milwaukee involving out-of-state police officers during the RNC, the Chicago police stated officers from outside and out-of-state agencies will be used for infrastructural purposes and will not be participating in neighborhood city policing.

Understanding the Risk Landscape

Understanding the pre-existing crime conditions of the Chicago area provides an important layer when planning for a large influx of people. The Pinkerton Crime Index (PCI) provides trends of crime risk across all relevant neighborhoods.

McCormick Place, one of the two primary areas for Convention events has a Pinkerton Crime Index total crime score of 2.65x, with a violent crime score of almost 4x, placing it in the 95th percentile for nationwide violent crime. This area has a property crime score of 1.41x, placing it in the 67th percentile for nationwide property crime.

McCormick Place is 0.3 miles from a hospital, 0.6 miles from a fire station, and 0.6 miles from a police station.

The United Center, the other primary venue has a Pinkerton Crime Index total crime score of 3.29x, a violent crime score of 5.03x, placing it in the 98th percentile for nationwide violent crime, and a property crime score of 1.67x, placing it in the 78th percentile for nationwide property crime.

The United Center is located within a half mile of a police station, a fire department, and a hospital.

Historical Context

Party national conventions bring contention and have a history of drawing broad demonstrations, particularly in divisive elections or during civil unrest. Most famously, the 1968 DNC in Chicago resulted in one civilian death and hundreds of injuries to protestors, police, and other civilians. More recent National Conventions have resulted in mass arrests, including the 2004 RNC in New York City and the 2008 DNC in Denver, Colorado.

  • Chicago saw extensive demonstrations and rioting in the wake of the killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. In the last weekend of May 2020, 85 people were shot in Chicago, resulting in 24 deaths. More than 1,000 people were arrested in association with rioting or looting, and more than 2,000 buildings were damaged and looted — 71 buildings set on fire. Damages are estimated to exceed $66 million. 
  • In March 2016, Chicago protestors shut down a Donald Trump rally, resulting in police clashes that injured several people. In May 2012, mass protests at a NATO summit in Chicago produced dozens of injuries. 
  • Recent Downtown Chicago protests have arisen over Sonya Massey's death and the Israel-Palestine conflict. No incidents of violence or destruction were reported at either, although one person was arrested at protests against Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress in Washington D.C.

Security Zones

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Both the United Center and McCormick Place West Building and their surrounding blocks will be impacted by a two-tier security zone system. The first zone, or outer perimeter (shaded in yellow on the maps), will restrict vehicle access and require vehicle inspection at sanctioned checkpoints but allow pedestrians to move freely.

The second security zone, or inner perimeter, will restrict pedestrian access to credentialed individuals attending the convention or support staff of the convention.

The outer perimeter will be marked by highly visible street closures while the inner perimeter will be marked by security fencing.

Businesses within the outer perimeter will remain open to the public for business. Businesses within the inner perimeter will be open exclusively for convention staff and attendees.

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At the United Center, the pedestrian-restricted perimeter expands as far north as W Washington Boulevard. Its western edge reaches as far as Hoyne Avenue between W Warren Boulevard and W Madison Boulevard. The Perimeter’s southernmost point covers Adams Street, from just past S Seely Avenue to S Honore Street. Its Eastern boundary falls between N Wood St and N Paulina St.

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The vehicle-restricted access perimeter is to the south and east of the United Center, encompassing much of W Adams Street and S Wood Street not included in the inner perimeter.

Enforcement of the United Center security perimeters will go into effect on Saturday, August 17 at 7 p.m.

Large-scale Event Security

Pinkerton is an ideal partner for local organizations that want to be prepared for large-scale events — especially those that have a capacity for volatility. Our protective intelligence team can monitor developing situations in real time and help coordinate ad hoc protection and response services so that businesses can ensure the safety of their staff, customers, products, and facilities.

Published August 14, 2024