What a year 2017 was. The world saw a lot of major issues affecting global security take center stage for companies, governments, and individuals.

The United States swore in a new and, to some, controversial President after a contentious election. North Korea flexed its military muscle by demonstrating nuclear missile capabilities that threaten nearby South Korea, Japan, and China among others. Terrorist and “lone wolf” attacks in Paris, London, Las Vegas, Stockholm, New York and far too many more locations left the world shaken. Natural disasters, such as the record-breaking hurricane season in the Caribbean, wildfires in California and earthquakes in Mexico, Iran, and Iraq, left thousands dead and thousands more injured and/or homeless.

As the year went on, we dove deep into a lot these issues via white papers, our new Insights Podcast, our Insights Intelligence Briefs and, of course, here on the Pinkerton Blog. As we start 2018, we wanted to look back at the posts that were read the most by you, our loyal followers, in 2017. For that, we are grateful and look forward to keep you up to date on worldwide security issues that could affect your business, your employees and you.

Pinkerton’s top 5 security blog posts of 2017

Active Shooter Response Plan

The popularity of this post, which we originally published a few years ago and updated for 2017, indicates that mass shootings, like the one at the outdoor concert in Las Vegas that left 58 people dead and nearly 600 hurt, are still top of mind for our readers. This post provides insight on why an Active Shooter Response Plan is critical to any company’s security.

Key Tips for Residential Executive Protection

The internet has connected millions of people. Unfortunately, it means that normally low-profile executives’ personal lives are more exposed and new threats to their home and family have arisen. Our readers found this post, which outlines steps to take to protect that which is most valuable to them, very useful.

How to Layer Large-Scale Event Security

As the Las Vegas shooting and the Ariana Grande summer concert bombing demonstrated, new ways of layering security at large events is needed. In this post, Pinkerton Eric Rose notes the weaknesses in some security protocols and what could be done to mitigate the risks involved with large-scale events.

Measuring Security Risks & Business Impact

Measuring risk is perhaps one of the most complex issues in the security industry. No wonder this post was popular! So many opinions vary on what “risk” is and what factors should go into measuring it. But over the past 160+ years, Pinkerton has been able to hone the complexity of risk measurement into a seemingly simple formula, which Pinkerton President Jack Zahran breaks down in this post at a time when the company unveiled its Pinkerton World Risk Index Report.

Enterprise Security: Definition & Trends

Enterprise Security is a big topic and is clearly on the minds of our corporate clients looking to protect their assets. But what is Enterprise Security? And why was it looked at with such importance in 2017? Jack Zahran and Pinkerton Vice President Richard Gurley provide a definition in this post and trends to look out for well into 2018.

From all of us at Pinkerton, we thank you for being frequent readers of the Pinkerton Blog. We look forward to bringing you more news, tips, trends and analysis regarding global security in 2018.

Published January 15, 2018
