Visualize your
crime risk
Analyze & compare
your score
Forecast future
crime threats
Current Crime Scores
Make assessments based on today’s data with crime risk scores built using a 12-month rolling trend, crime types weighted by severity and computed as a multiple relative to the national median.
Crime Risk Maps
View a comprehensive picture of your crime risk, with the most up-to-date crime risk score displayed at the neighborhood level.
Neighborhood Spillover
Uncover hidden threats outside of your community with analysis of nearby crime hotspots and the potential influence of their expansion and migration into your neighborhood.
Components of Crime
Discover what goes into your customized crime risk score with a breakdown of the local crimes most prevalent in your area and the role severity plays in how they are weighed.
Crime dynamics
Predict and prepare for shifts in crime by observing monthly crime trends over time for your area.
Regional Summary
See how crime risk in your state or region compares to others across the country by comparing one-year and five-year trends and current rankings by crime type.
Our Methodology
We create trustworthy assessments by starting with transparent practices. Discover the process behind our Pinkerton Crime Index.