This blog is a part of our series, Investigator Spotlights, where we will introduce you to some of Pinkerton’s investigators. When Allan Pinkerton started the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in 1850, the profession was not held in high regard. It was Pinkerton and his team’s skill for detective work, keen intellect, and watchful eyes that turned contempt to esteem and gave birth to the modern security industry. To be counted among Pinkerton investigators is an honor belonging to a relative few and a position reserved for the best in the field.

Feras Al Taoam, Associate Director, Pinkerton Global Investigations Unit, MEA

We would like to introduce you to Feras Al Taoam, Associate Director, Global Investigations Unit.To begin, how did you become an investigator?

Like Allan Pinkerton’s introduction to the industry in the 1800s, my first investigation in 2013 was about counterfeiting. I was fascinated by how valuable intel and data can be and how they were key to disrupting networks of illicit trade, which was the main reason I pursued a career in the investigations and security industry.

Now I specialize in investigative planning and reporting, negotiation, operations management, law enforcement, OSINT, and information management.

What does it take to be a great investigator?

A great investigator is a problem solver with a wide network of investigators spread across the world. He or she is a professional with good research skills who can look at a problem and subsequently design a unique solution for it. A great investigator is also a critical thinker who can analyze available data and evidence to solve cases and eventually effectively report those findings.

Why Pinkerton?

I joined Pinkerton in 2019 for many reasons, but mainly because of Pinkerton’s rich history in the investigations and security industry. It is not only an honor but also a great responsibility to be given the opportunity to continue the mission of Pinkertons who preceded us, as well as navigate the way for those who will succeed us.

For more than 170 years, the Pinkerton Agency has provided unique investigative solutions and unlimited resources in nearly every city in nearly every country in the world. We have accumulated, remarkably, thousands of years of investigations by specialists who have paved the way for the investigation and security industry. Pinkerton is committed to building bridges of hope that reunite families, assist in forming commercial partnerships, and contribute to making the world a safer place for us and the generations yet to come.

What is your most memorable case?

We conducted a missing persons investigation for a European family who lost contact with a family member during a trip to Africa. Pinkerton assisted in locating the family member in Africa and connected the family by phone. Hearing how emotional they were was priceless and rewarding. Investigating and reuniting a family is the greatest service I have ever provided.

Do you have any last thoughts?

During my first quarter with Pinkerton, I brought on a client that represents multiple government citizenship-by-investment programs. Pinkerton’s role was, and is still, to screen citizenship applications. It is very moral and humane to assist displaced families in finding new places to call home!

What I enjoy most is the opportunity to assist in making this world a better place — through the reduction of “wrong” and the subsequent increase of “good.”

Throughout history, Pinkertons have served as advisors and consultants for national and global organizations, defining new standards for investigations and consistently driving change within our industry. As a trusted partner, you can rely on our family of thousands of employees and connected partners across 100+ countries to support your investigative, risk management, and security needs.

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Published April 04, 2023