Celebrities and high profile people may think posting on social media is harmless, but, in fact, there can be unforeseen consequences

Vice President of the Southwest Region Jason Porter recently sat down with Buzzfeed and discussed the recent slew of celebrity and high-profile home break-ins. Many of them, as the LAPD pointed out, came shortly after the victims tweeted out their location. In one incident in particular, the celebrity stated that they were travelling in the Middle East. The thieves saw this and, because they knew the occupant wasn’t home, took this as an opportunity to burglarize their home.

Porter also points out that just because you haven’t already been a victim of similar circumstances doesn’t mean it can’t happen to you. “Celebrities who are targeted are often unprepared because nothing has happened to them before, so they don’t believe they are high on the risk scale…Thieves now have the ability to “geo-hack” location tags and can be notified whenever anyone in a 5-mile radius mentions that they are going on vacation.”

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Published October 05, 2018